Apr 2, 2011

Totally Underrated Instruments

1. Zither- It's cool. It's old. It's underrated. They have an awesome sound. And when I say old, I mean it. The first zither found dates back to 433 BCE. Yeah, BCE. Over 2000 years ago. Anything that can still be played 2000 years later must be good! Check it out here:
and here: 
2. Glass Armonica- Popularized by Benjamin Franklin and loved by many, like Mozart, Handel, Beethoven, and Strauus, this instrument kicks butt. Not only does it look cool, it's played differently than most instruments. 

And a video of a familiar song:
3. Sitar- They have been featured in some popular songs, like Paint it Black. Sitars are somewhat popular, but I argue, not enough. If you want to see why, check it out.
4. The Musical SAW!- sort of weird, quirky, and it sounds beautiful. Check it out. It really is a saw that you play music on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kmft674XPC0

5. The Stalacpipe Organ-This organ is the largest organ in the world, only 3.5 acres...well not only but still. In 1954 a scientists used Luray Caverns as his instrument, 3 years later, he had the stalacpipe organ. It is a pipe organ, only it's pipes are the cave. It can play full symphonies. If that's not cool, I don't know what is.

So there's my 2 cents on what I think are cool instruments.

1 comment:

  1. The photo you have for number 4 is of Natalia 'Saw Lady' Paruz. She is the organizer of the annual Musical Saw Festival in NYC:

    This is a video of hers playing on WNYC Radio recently:


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